Peter Roberts, 1924-2006

Peter Roberts was a true pioneer. As a dairy farmer, he was horrified by the direction that farming was taking and took up the cause of farm animal welfare at a time when few others shared his concern. In 1967, he set up Compassion in World Farming, a charity that to this day campaigns to end factory farming. Peter’s energy, courage and modesty were an inspiration to all who knew him. You can help realise Peter Roberts’ vision of a world where all farm animals are treated with the compassion and respect they deserve. Please help grow this Fund by making a donation to Compassion in World Farming.


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4 years ago

As a young adult in the late 1980's I used to see campaign stalls for Compassion in World Farming. I felt sympathy for the cause, but I never stopped to find out more, because I could not bear to see the photographs displayed. I spared my feelings, and walked past. Very soon afterward, I found myself a guest on a farm in Iceland, working with sheep, and with indoor pigs. It was an awful concentration camp for pigs, and brought me face to face with the things I had tried not to see. I hated the cruelty, but felt unable to speak up. For decades now, I have avoided farmed meat. (Just occasionally I eat wild game, which I know has never been on a lorry, above all never been to the slaughterhouse.) This week I have been greatly distressed by hearing of a consignment of thousands of cows sent out on the deep ocean, on an unthinkable journey from New Zealand to China. I have tried to imagine their circumstances and experience, to imagine how it was to be in a terrifying mid-ocean storm, to be tossed about in their huge throbbing metal container, and to endure the horror of the capsize, the sinking, the terrible mass drowning. It is impossible to comprehend. No grazing animal should ever have to go to sea. I am ashamed that it has taken till now for me to do something to support your cause. Privately abstaining from factory-farmed meat is not enough. What is a person's life worth, if they do not do something to make the world better? I see that Peter Roberts and his supporters have done so, and I commend his bravery and his work.

7 years ago
Elinor Hawke-Szady

I am lighting this candle in memory of my late husband - Daryl Allen Szady - who sadly passed away from cancer in March, 2016. Daryl shared many of the same concerns for animal and environmental welfare that I do. This candle will continue to burn long after I am gone. While I am still here on Earth, I will continue to support the work of wonderful organizations like Compassion in World Farming. Thank you Peter Roberts for starting an organization that is truly needed in this day and age.

14 years ago
Compassion in World Farming

Thank you to 533 supporters of Compassion in World Farming who have made generous contributions in Peter's name.



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I was never lucky enough to meet Peter but know his beautiful daughter Helen through our mutual love of ex-battery hens and passion for animal welfare. There are millions of farm animals across the globe whose lives are vastly improved because of this wonderful, gentle and compassionate man. There could be no better legacy xxx
15th November 2012
To my gorgeous Dad, Five weeks today, Philip & I will be married; on Easter Saturday. I have 2 wishes; the 1st is that you could come back for one single day to share our happiness, the 2nd is that you had known that Phil & I are together and I know you would be over the moon. You always adored Phil (and visa versa) & would have loved to have seen us together & known how immensely happy I am. I am so sad to have not been able to share this with you; it was not to be, you left this world a year before Phil & I got together. We are having a weekend of celebrations, with our wedding in a beautiful barn, followed by Luke's 13th birthday, the very next day on Easter Sunday. Luke will stand in for you on my wedding day & walk me down the aisle & give me away to Phil; I am so privileged that he really wants to take on this role in your absence. Miss you so much, as we all do; Luke very much so too. Think of you every day. love "Helemy"; your "baby of the family"; xxxx
Helen Engelen
19th March 2011
I never had the privilege of meeting Peter, but those that knew him well speak incredibly highly of him. He touched many lives, and through Compassion in World Farming, his remarkable legacy continues to bring positive change in the world. As a vegan, I also feel an incredible sense of gratitude for Peter’s courage and his dedication to the cause of animal welfare. In the early 1960s, when even so-called animal welfare organisations refused to campaign against veal crates and battery cages, I can’t imagine the scale of the challenge and the mettle needed to have started these campaigns. I can’t think of a higher compliment than to say the world is a much better place for having had Peter in it. He is very sadly missed. Paul Blanchard
Paul Blanchard
8th February 2011
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