A movement is born

Created by Compassion in World Farming 14 years ago
In 1967, Peter started Compassion in World Farming and his one-man campaign to peacefully bring an end to the suffering of farm animals. He argued the need for a humane agricultural system that would sustain the world. Peter was guided by a strong personal spiritual philosophy and brought an intellectual discipline to the cause. One of his most notable achievements was the re-classification of animals under European law as ‘sentient beings’. With the help of Compassion staff and supporters, he was also responsible for securing a ban on veal crates and sow stalls. During his many years at Compassion in World Farming, Peter never drew a salary from the charity and had to make many personal sacrifices. He gave up farming and supported his family by setting up Direct Foods, a company which imported and sold the meat substitute TVP. He also opened a health food shop, Bran Tub, in Petersfield, Hampshire.